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Leaving social networks – google plus, facebook.

On 10/05/2014, in Entries in English, Health, by admin

Why? First, it takes too much time of my life, sharing something I really doesn’t need to share with anyone. Only some sick solution to show-off my ego to everyone else. Social networks are the great place to grow your ego and it is bad for your mental health. Because none really read and care about what you want to share. Second, because of social networks, you’re spending more time with it, your time management is suffering, as your family too. Suddenly you find yourself sitting with your smartphone more and more, in a road, in a bus, at home. Suddenly you’re not watching what others watching. You’re disconnected. And then you’re disconnected from life, the real life. Social networks, are a virtual reality which is unreal, and eventually you will become addicted to it. Just disconnect from social networks. It is bad, really.

dmelody – bringing melody to digital perspective
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